Photoshop site yapma 5
Let’s start the tutorialOpen Photoshop and create a new document (Ctrl + N)
With Rectangle Tool I will create a large shape, to cover the entire canvas. As a color I have used #98afb4. In this step you can use Paint Bucket Tool also…
I will select Rounded Rectangle Tool with a radius of 10px I will create this shape (color used : c0c0c0 ) and I will apply the following layer styles:
I will select Ellipse Tool and I will create 3 black shapes, than I will apply for each shape a Gaussian Blur (Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur) of about 11px.
On the top of this shapes I will create with Rectangle Tool another 2 shapes. For the first one (the orange one) I have used this color: # f38630 and for the second one (the blue one) this color: # 94ccd7
I will select Type Tool and I will write “we’re coming soon” I have applied the following layer styles:
My result:
With Ellipse Tool I will create this black shape and I will apply a Gaussian Blur of about 20px.
My result:
With Rectangular Marque Tool, I will make this selection.
Once you have this selection hit Delete on your keyboard to delete that portion and Ctrl +D to unload the selection. I will lower the opacity to 60% also.
I will select Type Tool, I will write “Get Notified” and I will apply this layer styles:
With Type Tool I will continue to add some text:
With Rectangle Tool I will create this shape
With Pen Tool I will create this triangle
On my Layer Palette is will select this 2 shapes created on Step 11 and Step 12.
I will press Ctrl + E to merge them together and I will apply this layer styles:
With Type Tool I will write “subscribe here”:
On the right side, with Rounded Rectangle Tool with a radius of 10px I will create this shape (color: d7f0ef) and I will apply this layer styles:
With Rectangle Tool I will create this 3 shapes and I will apply this layer styles:
Next I will make a “Call to Action” button. I will select Rounded Rectangle Tool with a radius of 10px and I will create this shape. Color used # f38630, then with Type Tool I will write “Hook me up”
Next I will select Type Tool I will write “We’ll be online in :” For this sentence I have applied this layer styles:
With Rectangle Tool I will create this shapes and I will apply this layer styles:
With Line Tool I will add this 2 lines on the middle of the shapes created on step 18
With Type Tool I will add some numbers and I will write “days”. To create all of this I have applied the same layer styles from step 17
I will repeat step 18, 19 and 20 for about 3 times
My result:
Here is my final result:
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